Thursday, June 12, 2008

**Bowling Fun**

Yes! This is Tracy and Peyton's favorite thing to do! And yes it is sad but Tracy and my 3 year old beat me!! How pathetic I know! Tracy really likes to go bowling, is really good at it and always wins, except for our first date! Yes I beat him!! And still remind him of it often. He said he let me win so we could go out again, but I am not buying it.


Becky said...

Peyt, you look like a pro! Way to put your bowling face on, yeah!!!!!!! How, cute!I don't buy the first date, letting you win thing either, don't let him get away with that!

Simply Be Photo/Melissa said...

Peyton looks like he's having a good time! That's a good family activity.
I'm not so great either. Usually by the end of the game I am so far down I start bowling with my other hand and just messing around cause my score isn't even close to anybodys!

Hayley said...

I suck at bowling. I need to use one of those slide things too!

Guymon Family said...

How fun! Our kids have only been bowling once in their lives. We really need to step it up. I totally agree with you on the fire thing my boys LOVE smores, but mostly cooking them I think. We are actually doing smores tonight too!