Wednesday, March 4, 2009

**Alivia's Special Day**

We blessed Alivia last Sunday. It was a great day! Tracy did an awesome job! We had lots of family come and had fun afterwards! I just can't believe she is 3 months already!! I really wish time would freeze. Although it is fun seeing her grow and change so much, I really wish they would stay small for longer. She is such a good baby, so content and sleeps at least 10 hours everynight. She is always happy and smiling. She loves Tracy. When he comes home she is so giggly and smiles the whole night!! Peyton is the best with her, since he's been sick this last week we keep telling him not to kiss her, he told me yesterday I want to get better so I can kiss her. He is great with her. I feel really blessed to have 2 great kids!!